so I've now been doing some collage.. aish it's so time consuming.. but I love the finished product! I can really see my influences/design references coming through strong! I really really REALLY love the neon colours.. it looks so much better than the dull inks and water colours. wow! it just pops so brightly and it's amazingly graphic. I loveeee it!
so incase you didn't realise, it's a close up of one of my flowers (the photo next to it infact!) I used layout paper to trace a pencil drawing of the basic outline, then traced shapes onto the back of this lovely neon card.. et voila! a mad collage... just incase you can't tell it's a flower.. I've attempted to draw the outlines in on photoshop
it doesn't really illustrate it that much better I guess, which is why I was thinking of maybe getting some A3 acetate, tracing the outline and laying it on top. I'm not sure if a thick dark line on the edge ruins it though!